In my previous blog I discussed the effect that global warming would have on the rain sensitive deciduous fruits such as cherry, apricot, peach and
Category: Growing Tech

Most rain sensitive deciduous fruits are grown in climates where summer rainfall is low. But global warming is considered to have a major influence on future weather patterns. Expect the unexpected!!

There are two types of blueberry, (Vaccinium sp) the lowbush type and the high bush type which both originate in North America. The low bush

Blackberries are a relatively new horticultural crop. As a school boy in the 1940’s in England I can recall picking them from wild clumps

The raspberry (Rubus species) is to be found throughout the temperate world, but the most common species in the European raspberry (Rubus idaeus L) which

Did you know that modern Strawberries got created by a lucky cross by insects in 2 different continents in a French botanical garden ?
Find out about the birth of the present day Strawberries & its journey through history up to the modern day varieties grown in hydroponics greenhouses.

In temperate climates asparagus is harvested in the spring—the first of the spring vegetables. In the summer the spears are allowed to grow into fern,

I have been asked by Brown Grow to write a monthly article for their blog. I thought it would be appropriate to start with telling

The phenomenon of Permaculture arrived into public existence back in 1978 with the publication of Permaculture One by Bill Mollison; a senior lecturer in environmental